Waiting list

6 May 2018 10:00-16:00Spaces.

a Day of Coding Chatbots

At Pink Programming Sunday we meet up and code together for a day. On this day Accenture will lead a workshop teaching us to build Chatbots!

You don't need any prerequisites to attend, all you need to do is bring your own laptop, headset and register prior to the event. Of course everything is completely free of charge, including lunch, coffee and snacks.

If you have registered and need to cancel for some reason - please do so through the link provided in the registration email. We have a limited number of spots, and someone else will be happy to take your place!

Pink Programming together with Accenture and Spaces welcomes you to the May setup of Pink Programming Sunday in Oslo, we hope to see you there :)

Program for the day

10.00 Introduction from Pink Programming and a short introduction to programming for beginners
10.30 Chatbot workshop with Hanieh and Sigrun

Chatbots are not a new thing, and in 2018, they are everywhere. They can exist in services you’ve already been using for years. Not only are they used for customer service, chatbots can be used for entertainment purposes as well. Research has proven that if performing a task took more than 2 steps on UI, chatbots provided a much better user experience. However, this doesn’t mean that chatbots will and should replace every user interface out there. So when is it right to build a chatbot? And what exactly is a chatbot?

In this workshop you will learn the key principles that Accenture uses when designing and developing chatbots. Through the day you will learn what is the best use case for a chatbot, and what makes it useful. In the end you will learn how to build one yourself after designing and developing a chatbot concept on your own. 

12.30 Lunch
13.15 Workshop continues
16.00 Final words and goodbye

About Pink Programming

Pink Programming is a non profit organisation started in Sweden 2015 by three female developers, with the purpose to increase the number of female programmers! 

They, together with many volunteers and participants, have created an inspiring environment where girls and women who are interested in programming can have fun and feel at home while they learn to code, or build on their existing skills.

Pink Programming has gone really well and is continuing to grow as an organisation and female network, and now its time to bring this initiative to Oslo!

More information about Pink Programming can be found at our website http://www.pinkprogramming.se/.

Waiting list

Hanieh Alibakhsh

Hanieh is currently working as Team leader at Accenture with a master of science from UiO in informatics.

She has worked as back-end developer, front-end developer, quality assurance manager and researcher in software development methodologies and is working as an author with an article for Computer Science Journal to be published soon!

Her hobbies and free times activities are family, party, dance and feminist activities like Pink Programming! 

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Sigrun Gjengset

Sigrun is a part of Accenture Interactive Delivery together with Hanieh. She has a bachelor’s in IT with a focus on interaction design from Westerdals (Høgskolen Kristiania). She also has a bachelor’s in media sciences from NTNU. She started coding her first website at the age of 13, and has since run many blogs and websites in her spare time. In 2016 Sigrun worked on a chatbot summer project at Making Waves as an interaction designer.
In her spare time Sigrun is an avid reader, concert goer and traveler. Sigrun is a feminist at heart and works daily for a more inclusive workforce in the tech industry. Some would say Sigrun is a bit of a nerd, and that might be truer than she would like to admit.

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Organized by

Pink Programming

Pink Programming is a non profit organisation aiming to encourage and inspire women to code. This is done by hosting coding meetups, code camps and events all over Sweden.